!!! & Lenny Williams

<img src="http://www.qromag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/chkchkchkaug9.jpg" alt="!!! & Lenny Williams : Live" />!!!'s soul roots run deeper than you might think. ...
!!! & Lenny Williams : Live
!!! & Lenny Williams

!!!’s soul roots run deeper than you might think.  For a recent show at Damrosch Park for Lincoln Center, the dance-punk veterans teamed up with classic R&B legend Lenny Williams, creating one of the more diverse audiences around.  The older members of the crowd may have been confused by the electro-funk stylings of the Brooklyn-via-Sacramento band, but there was no denying the magnetic power of frontman Nic Offer, Nic Offerwho might be one of the most energetic people on the planet.  Along with Williams, !!! were joined onstage by upstart singer Sonia Moore, who added her flair to several songs, including the extended jam-out of “Heart of Hearts” that closed out the set.

!!! recently finished the follow-up to 2010’s Strange Weather, Isn’t It? (QRO review), available on Warp.

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