Thirty-seven minutes of solid sweet pop, spooky harmonies and catchy choruses that will stick into your head for days. ... -
American Goldwing has managed to perfectly achieve the vintage Americana feel, but this prevalent sense of nostalgia sometimes becomes a bit too sugary and repetitive. ... -
Seeing The Black Angels live means participating in a simultaneously mind-expanding and darkly unsettling experience. ...
Let's face it: when we first heard about Wild Flag, we all knew they would come up with something great. ... -
Both musically and lyrically, Feel It Break is a constant push and pull between beauty and ugliness, a juxtaposition between hard and soft, light and dark, erotic and dangerous. ...
If there is a return to origins as Malkmus returns to The Jicks after last year's Pavement reunion, it's more to his first solo album from ten years ago. ...
Though it continues the progress made by 2009's excellent The Knot, with this record Wasner & Stack have crafted their best work to date, proving to have learned a lot during their half-decade career. ...