Widowspeak – The Jacket

Relaxing sounds easy, but in reality, it’s tough....
Widowspeak : The Jacket
7.7 Captured Tracks
Widowspeak : The Jacket

Relaxing sounds easy, but in reality, it’s tough, as letting go your stress, or at least putting it aside, is a tall order. But New York’s Widowspeak manage to do it not only sweetly but also sadly on their latest, The Jacket.

Airy & natural from “While You Wait” start to “Sleeper” finish, The Jacket is a comfortable fit that’s not for the dancefloor, but lying on the couch. Yet injected into the sweet sounds is a definite vein of resigned acceptance, such as the wryer “Everything Is Simple” and “Salt”. Even the bigger “The Drive”, or more country “Forget It”, are easy on the ears.

The Jacket isn’t going to bowl anyone over, but Widowspeak never set out to. Instead, their emotion is for a lazy Sunday afternoon, not a Saturday night in da club.

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