Copenhagen’s The Asteroids Galaxy Tour broke out a few years ago by that tried-and-true method: getting their song ("Around the Bend") used in an iPod commercial. Their brand of updated bop-rock was refreshing and enjoyable, and it resulted in the refreshing and enjoyable Fruit (QRO review) in 2009 (and, more recently, being featured on-screen in a Heineken ad – link). Tuesday, January 31st, saw the release of their follow-up, Out of Frequency (QRO review) – and the release party kick-off of their U.S. tour at New York’s Irving Plaza.
TAGT opened with three off of Frequency – introductory jam "Dollars In the Night", first single "Heart Attack", and "Major", but the set list (QRO photo) actually had one more Fruit track than Frequency. If the audience hadn’t snatched a leak of Frequency via the internet, the day of the show would have been their first chance to hear it, so the Danes wisely didn’t focus solely on the new album, as so often happens when a group is touring it for the first time. And Fruit was so chock full of single-y goodness that the band couldn’t skimp on it without taking out essentials. Still, it was interesting that, after the first three songs, TAGT played only four more off of Frequency, and only once twice in a row at that.
Fruit singles like "Around the Bend", "The Sun Ain’t Shining No More", "Push the Envelope", and "The Golden Age" were natural highlights, but the crowd also loved "Heart Attack", as well as Frequency‘s "Major", "Ghost In My Head" and the night’s closer, "Fantasy Friend Forever" (could have used Frequency‘s great closer, "When It Comes To Us", though). It wasn’t the biggest crowd in the world – Irving Plaza (QRO venue review) usually books much older bands, and only Scandinavians tour in January – but they sung along whenever they could, even picking up bewitching singer Mette Lindberg’s vocals when she wasn’t.
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour playing "Ghost In My Head" live at Irving Plaza in New York, NY on January 31st, 2012:
The Asteroid Galaxy Tour’s tour continues cross-country: