Rufus Wainwright began his series of Friday livestreams with his self-titled debut - and some Hollywood friends....
After the summer that wasn’t, now comes a fall for the ages. Even if your country isn’t a life-or-death-of-democracy election, Dr. Punxsutawney Phil has predicted many more months of pandemic lockdown. That means no shows, save for the odd livestream, and that’ll only be once from your favorite artists,...
Rufus Wainwright (QRO interview) has been killing it this quarantine, from his #Quarantunes (QRO song review) to The Paramour Sessions (QRO live review) to his new record, Unfollow the Rules (QRO review). Now comes his team-up with Choir! Choir! Choir!, over 1500 submitted videos covering The Beatles‘ classic “Across...
In the run-up to the release of his new 'Unfollow the Rules', Rufus Wainwright talked with QRO....
Rufus has returned with his grand Wainwright flourish on the excellent 'Unfollow the Rules'....
Leave it to Rufus Wainwright to bring his delayed new album 'Unfollow the Rules' to us in the most charming and classy way possible...
Lots of artists have been releasing material online during this never-ending lockdown, and one of the best has been Rufus Wainwright, who just wrapped a song-a-day #Roberecital #Quaratunes for sixty days via his Instagram and Facebook. To close out the impressive run, Rufus recruited his sister Martha, aunts Anna...
Rufus Wainwright embraces his grand soul-pop with a smile. ...