Ghost of Vroom have been slowly leaning into a sadder, more mature sound, now with the (creatively titled) 'Ghost of Vroom 3'....
QRO feels like bustin' out a spotlight on Mike Doughty....
The debut self-titled full-length from Mike Doughty's new band, Ghost of Vroom, does sound like Soul Coughing, in the right ways, while also feeling like its own thing....
Just before the release of his new 'Ghost of Vroom 2 EP' from his new band Ghost of Vroom, Mike Doughty talked with QRO. ...
Mike Doughty’s teamed up with longtime live backing band man Andrew “Scrap” Livingston as Ghost of Vroom....
While you’ve been spending this pandemic looking at your phone, Mike Doughty has made a new band with longtime collaborator Andrew “Scrap” Livingston, Ghost of Vroom. Before the September 25th release of debut EP Vroom 2, here’s “Rona Pollona”. Watch the video for “Rona Pollona”:...
Mike Doughty did his alt-nineties Soul Coughing's 'Ruby Vroom' in full....
Mike Doughty’s strength here is his willingness to experiment and create classic sounding new numbers in different genres....
'Stellar Motel' sees Mike Doughty bring the tech, effects, rhythms and even rhymes of Soul Coughing (with some much better support)....