April 18, 2011
Kim Jong Chill just sort of popped up on Twitter a while back. Looks like one of those random mystery joke accounts, except the dude dropped a freestyle single "Twitter Freestyle." It’s kind of a messy, latenight jam — but it’s a fun messy, latenight jam. Come up with a whole album of this and I’d go to see Kim Jong Chill live to see the man behind the mask.
I’ve got some solid suspicions as to the identity of this Twitter gangster, but we’re "legitimate journalists" at QRO, so we’ll hold our tongues til we have solid confirmation. Until then, check out the dear leader of North Korea on Twitter, pick up the single here, and just Kim Jong Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill.
Stream "Twitter Freestyle" (KILOOFBLOWJOBS)
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