Before Kate Nash puts out her full-length in 2013, she puts a window up with her Death Proof EP. The title track draws its inspiration from Quentin Tarantino’s half (of the same name) on Grindhouse, and that garage-road tone covers all five tracks on the EP – with a Nash spin.
“Death Proof” has the dark road-feel of Death Proof, and the entire EP is one of garage-styles, including the catchy “Fri-End?”, pressing “I Want a Boyfriend”, and starker Kinks cover “All Day and All of the Night”. Even closer “May Queen” is lo-fi, in that it is a children’s song of vocals and keytones. Still, Nash is not just repeating the garage retread that is still so popular these days – each piece is also decidedly hers, not just in vocals but also in attitude.
Admittedly a departure from her pop-strengths on full-lengths Made of Bricks (QRO review) and My Best Friend Is You (QRO review), this might not be the Kate Nash that her fans are looking for. It’s not known what, if any, Death Proof EP songs will make the LP, or if this represents the upcoming album or is an excursion from it. Nash should probably stick with what’s got her where she is today – even at just five songs, Death Proof struggles for variety; a full-length would be hard to sustain – but she’s put out a very nice scenic route of an EP.