Delicate Steve is a unique artist to be sure, but so are a lot of instrumentalists. For his third full original LP, he turns to more ‘modern’ electronic approach, but retains his special charisma. Till I Burn Up, follow up to the hit alternative on This Is Steve (QRO review) engages just like his other albums, charmingly and slightly edgy.
However, tracks like the opener, “Way Too Long” and especially the singles, “Freedom” and “Selfie of Man”, show a more meditative attitude. Even more so if one watches the videos he always accompanies releases with. There are dark tracks, “Ghosts” or the more forgettable, “Vacant Disco”, airy ones, “Till I Burn Up”, “We Ride On Black Wings” or “Purple Boy”, and even complex ones such as “Rubberneck”, “Madness”, or “Rat in the House”.
The thing is this more conscientious approach works really well with the fuller instrumentals, and somewhat dismally on the minimalist ones like “Vacant Disco” or “Ghosts”. As instrumentals, the better ones share something noisy, and some also with early Red Hot Chili Peppers, only with keyboard and a drum machine.
The final number, “Dream” is especially brooding, which is mostly a good thing. Still, the choice tracks are exceptional and show growth outside of the techno shift made. Till I Burn Up is a mood setter, great for the car or the sad, slow, dark depressions. Share in the brooding of Delicate Steve today and take a listen.