The Fickle Finger of Fate is, to be cliche, ‘a sum of it’s parts.’ There are songs like “The Short Con” which is solid, but then “Chicken ala King” is a strange opener to begin the first solo Dale Crover release, and “Bad Move” is plain great.
As always for Crover, the drums are central, but “Slide On Up”, “Little brother”, and “None No More” are chill and jaunty.
While “Hillbilly Math” is more rocking and like comparable “Giant Hunk of Cake” or “Thunder Pinky”, does just rock and jam. Fate continues in “Fickle Finger of Fate” and is overall overwhelming, but satisfyingly strange as these songs are markedly awkward they also give the perceptive listener an intimacy.
“String Bean”, “Thunder Pinky”, or “Fickle Finger of Fate” just might help you get through a rough day, rounded out with tracks like “Big Uns”, “There Goes the Neighborhood”, “Vulvania” or “I Found A Way Out”.
The sum though, like track, “Our Supreme Leader”, makes Fickle FInger of Fate an interesting post-modern, eclectic joy.