If music is going anywhere right now, aside from towards pop, it is mostly just more foreboding....
While classical folk and even bluegrass inspired, John Dennis, is at least trying to do something new on Mortal Flames, and why not?...
'Mind Hive', following in the shoes of 'Silver/Lead', marks even more change and growth....
Shane Palko has a new release, Swahili Surreal, and an African, folky, genre warped, mind-bending video for the single from it, “Metamorphosis”. What can be said of an artist who tries something new? Often it is too new, however, here the cultural charm of a foreign, rural town, combined...
The Monochrome Set have further enhanced their legacy on 'Fabula Mendax', and why not? Lead singer Bid has never lacked creative ideas....
A warm, but still brooding indie is out in Coma Girls new single, “Crown”, for EP Smoking Gun B/W Crown. It is all very intricate electronic jangle pop here, but all very familiar here too, with a melody sounding much like Pavement meets Ariel Pink, whom are both very...
One might consider 'Something Like a War' by Kindness to be largely successful on a gift from the political times....
Self-titled 'Mail The Horse' unquestionably delivers a fun and also personal feeling....
Coming from the background of playing with a variety of well known political and indie musicians, all while fronting the hardcore group Endpoint, the Duncan Barlow release 'Colony Collapse' is a project, and being a project first and foremost is complicated....