Portland’s Typhoon have always had ambition, usually being made up of at least twelve members, with careful & intricate orchestration. New record Offerings truly reaches for the epic, perhaps too grand for its own good, but definitely ambitious, yet without hubris.
For being described as ‘an epic record by a double-digit member band,’ Offerings actually has a great deal of intimacy, possibly due to main man Kyle Morton’s time last year on his own solo work. Pieces like “Rorschach”, “Algernon”, and “Chiaroscuro” manage to make the quiet big. Even the louder songs such as “Remember” are slower and more extended.
Quite extended, as it should be noted that the record is fourteen tracks (as well as a hidden one at the end), many stretched in length, totaling over an hour. Downloading & streaming of music has made the need for limiting a record’s length less essential these days, but with virtually every song on Offerings feeling like its own journey, the album can feel too long and exhausting at times. Oddly in contrast, each song has only a one-word title.
Even with its over-extended nature, Offerings manage to be an epic that doesn’t feel gratuitous.