Like The Flaming Lips (QRO spotlight on), OK Go will likely always be remembered more for their spectacle than their actual music, if only for the sheer scope of their spectacle. The band virtually invented the viral music video, and their live shows feature such things as confetti and playing from inside the crowd (QRO live review). On Hungry Ghosts, they at least go for their most accessible side with disco aplomb.
Never the most alt- band out there, with Ghosts OK Go embrace their upbeat disco elements – not quite to such an extent as Chromeo did on White Women (QRO review), but along those lines. Synthesizers take the forefront instead of guitars, from the ‘big rock’ of “Turn Up the Radio” to the intimate cool of songs like “Another Set of Issues” and “Obsession”. While the stretches outside that wheelhouse feel a bridge too far (such as quiet lullaby closer “Lullaby”), they really hit it out of the park with single “I Won’t Let You Down”.
OK Go are never going to be on the cutting edge of any musical trends, but they nicely trade that in for sheer enjoyment – a worthwhile trade.