Millions around the world have been introduced to Mumford & Sons due to the success from their first album Sigh No More. Those that missed out on the boys from England (Marcus Mumford, Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall, and Ted Dwane) the first time around will surely be introduced to them this time around with their sophomore release. Whether you are a fan of their sound or not, you will be hearing a lot more of them on the radio, television, and computer; basically anywhere music is prevalent. Staying true to their sound, the four-piece doesn’t stray too far from their first release but steps up by putting out a cleaner, yet raucous punch in Babel.
“I Will Wait” and “Lover of the Light” will be what “Little Lion Man” and “The Cave” once were – and rightfully so. They will be dominating airwaves for months so the constant flow of Mumford and Sons reaching your ears each day will not falter. Yes, the banjo will likely be accompanying you to and from work again for some time.
Their strongest effort that seems to have been overlooked a bit comes from opening track “Babel” which completely sets the tone for the rest of the album. An excellent choice as an opener that carefully weaves the listener into track two, “Whispers in the Dark”. Each song flows deviously from one right into the next and unfolds short stories with enthusiastic cries of emotion as seen in, for example, “I Will Wait” and “Holland Road”.
Mumford, Lovett, Marshall, and Dwane bound generations of music aficionados that are so easily separated today by what music is ‘good’ and what music is ‘bad’. Don’t be surprised when you catch yourself listening to this album next to mom and dad. The first half of the album exudes excitement while the latter end of the album begins to somewhat tamper off to slower, darker pieces like “Broken Crown” and “Below My Feet”. Babel definitely caters towards several moods, which makes it easy to listen to in multiple settings. Other than the aforementioned singles, highlights also include “Babel”, “Holland Road”, and “Lovers’ Eyes”.
Biggest advice when listening to this album? Start from the beginning and listen all the way through. No need to skip songs here. Let them take you on their country-folk-rock journey again. We trusted them enough the first time around and helped push them to international fame. This album will be cemented as one of the best albums to come out of 2012 and curiosity will leave fans to wonder the direction of the next album and if it can reach the pure craftsmanship put out on Babel.