Picked up this track from FMLY extraordinaire Birthdays, the two-piece electro-live outfit based in Boston. Sammy Yager (check out the interview ) and Kevin Kenkel have been playing music together since they were teenagers, and now have an upcoming full length release due shortly. Get a sneak peak with "Pizza Baby". It’s a lurky atmospheric ode to god knows what.
Sammy expressed some curiosity as to whether the track might be too "out there" or something. So I sez to the guy (this is what I sez):
"Sammy, I’ve been in this business a long time." (Raising my head slightly from the line of blow decorating the taut ass of my beautiful asian escort) "There’s only two things fans want in this business: authenticity and a piece of tail. Give ’em the first, and they’ll figure out the second on their own." (Rubbing the inside of my thick gold rings) "Like a Jersey Shore castoff said to me after I boffed her: "You do you." That’s all we got in this life."
So dig on some "Pizza Baby". Rain or shine, make the music you love and the listening will take care of itself. Here’s the Twitter and here’s the Bandcamp. Enjoy!
Stream "Pizza Baby"