Tom Vek (stage name of Tom Vernon-Kell) released his first album, We Have Sound in 2005. A long six years later the follow up has finally been released. So, was it worth the wait?
Leisure Seizure is not a massive departure in sound from Vek’s debut, but if it ain’t broke, why fix it? The new release does lack some of the excitement of We Have Sound, Vek’s laid-back vocals sometimes slide into disinterested and the prominent bass/drum riffs can sound a little stale. But this does not take away from the well crafted sound of Vek’s style.
"Hold Your Hand" provides a strong opening, the grandeur of the beat and Vek’s spat-out lyrics create an epic feel that is carried through the entire album. "A.P.O.L.O.G.Y" and "A Chore" particularly follow this theme and create an atmosphere of excitement.
It’s clear that some of the tracks will sound better live or in a club, and were probably written with this in mind. "Aroused" has the fast pace of a club-classic and its Asian-influenced electronic beat mean that it will be instantly identifiable at a gig.
The energy of the record peters out towards the end as it the last four tracks are a chill-out room for the rest of the album’s club. This shows that Vek is not a one-trick pony, but a high-impact finale may have been a better ending than the slightly disappointing "Too Bad’"
Fans who have been waiting all these years for this record may feel slightly short changed, but to judge Leisure Seizure against its predecessor is unfair. Some songs require a few listens to get comfortable with, but it’s worth putting in this effort.
MP3 Stream: "Hold Your Hand"