Former bandmate Katie Von Schleicher guests on Wilder Maker’s latest single, “Against Numbers”, off their forthcoming LP, Male Models. Judging by the sound of the tracks released so far, the New York-based band is taking a more pop-driven line of approach on the new album. The shaggier edges of Zion, or Year of Endless Light, are traded for tighter corners and more pithy songcraft. And there’s depth in that pith: four layers of bass saxophone to be precise. The theme of our highlighted track “Against Numbers” is the anxiety of being reduced to a number. The musical phrase making has a clipped quality, like the soft, warm, fleshy contours of your ear are being boxed into a hard, cold, metal frame. Shades of Phoenix’s “Lisztomania” with a propulsive percussive quality that nudges you to the edge of your seat.
Stream “Against Numbers”: