Vacation has graced the pages of MMM-MMMP3s before, getting written up along the lines of an old skool, 4-track indie folk pop stylist. Their previous EP Tiny Bones and Wires was a lo fi, spare, college rock album that traded on slacker attitudes ("Wasted Disposer") and pop culture schmaltz (Apocalypse Now via "Charlie Don’t Surf").
Their latest EP Locust Lane cleans up the rough edges for a crisper delivery and a more serious tone. Sure, yeah, the concept of "spiders inside your brain" on the song "Spider Brain" is still sort of a goofy concept, but there’s something about the wailing feedback drone that imbues the entire package with a deeper resonance than a one-off pun or pose. Vacation still have the same bedroom pop textures, but, dammit, they mean it this time for realsies.
Hit up Vacation at their Bandcamp to download the EP & fare thee well.
"Spider Brain"
"Digging Up Flowers"