The Ruby Suns

  • CMJ 2008 Day Five Recap

    CMJ 2008 : Day Five

    CMJ 2008 : Day FiveCMJ ended on a high - if wet - note, starting early and ending late, crossing Brooklyn & Bowery & more, catching old faves, new surprises, and missing very little. ...
  • Get Down Under

    Sometimes the music industry can overlook the vast resources of talent that are Australia and New Zealand.  We don't make that mistake.  Here, we present a relatively fresh look on some of the hottest and coolest acts to come from Down Under...

  • The Ruby Suns - Sea Lion

    The Ruby Suns : Sea Lion

     With so many soft, but intricate elements, The Ruby Suns' second album is a shimmering beauty reminiscent of psychedelic, coastline rock of the 60's.  ...