Dirty Projectors and Deerhunter brought their co-headlining tour to New York’s Webster Hall, swapping the playing order each night. ...
Primavera Sound came to Barcelona in 2019....
Primavera Sound began in the city, Monday-Wednesday....
More Click here for photos of festival sights from Shaky Knees ’19 in the QRO Concert Photo Gallery Click here for photos of festival fashion from Shaky Knees ’19 in the QRO Concert Photo Gallery As it warms up in the north, it’s already warm down South, so there...
It was a big final day of Shaky Knees '19....
Bradford Cox’s Deerhunter have gone many weird and wonderful places....
Primavera Sound 2018 was again a really effective showcase of talent and new music, but also of the problems of what happens when a festival this important gets really big, with more that 215,000 attendees. But let’s focus on the music, better, Monday-to-Saturday, May 28th-to-June 2nd, in Barcelona, Spain....
It was a huge Saturday for the sixth day of Primavera Sound '18....
Once again, the Primavera Sound Festival positioned itself as the best and biggest music festival in the South of Europe (as you well know, Glastonbury is bigger, but not sure at all it is better), Wednesday to Sunday, June 1st-5th....