Disco-flavored electro-dance has long been a specialité of the French, even as it’s also had a serious international flare as well. So French-Canadian Malajube fit right in with their latest, La caverne. Even though it’s not as inspired or inventive as their last record, 2009’s Labyrinthes (QRO review), and can get a bit grating after a while, La caverne is another good notch on their belt.
The growing dance-rock of opener "Synestésie" and the bit more pressing "Cro-Magnon" start La caverne well – perhaps a bit too well, as the rest of the release never matches those early heights. Indeed, the slower dance-funk procession in "Sangsues" wears thin after a while, while back-to-back "Ibuproféne" and "Le stridor" just come off as sweet & cheesy. La caverne is clearly best when Malajube up the tempo and keep the rock.
The Francophile international nature of dance-rock particularly suits Malajube because they sing in French, a rarity in today’s English-dominated alternative music scene. It doesn’t get in the way of La caverne, but in fact works with Malajube’s sound, one that translates worldwide.
MP3 Stream: "Synestésie"