Japandroids – Fate & Alcohol

Canada’s Japandroids have always bounded in like a breath of fresh, bracing air, their glorious up-rock anthems earned through hardship & delivering hope....
Japandroids : Fate & Alcohol
8.1 Anti-
Japandroids : Fate & Alcohol

Canada’s Japandroids have always bounded in like a breath of fresh, bracing air, their glorious up-rock anthems earned through hardship & delivering hope. This year, singer/guitarist Brian King decided to focus on family & sobriety, ending the band. Fate & Alcohol is a swan song of all you loved about Japandroids.

Despite being a final release, Fate is one brimming with the building anthems that is Japandroids great stock & trade. Pieces such as “D&T” and “Alice” drive you upward, while “One Without the Other” kickstarts you into high gear. There’s the natural looking back song with “Upon Sober Reflection”, but its preceded by the purely epic “Chicago”.

Without a tour for the new album to lift spirits (something we could really use right now south of the border…), Fate & Alcohol instead is great goodbye to a great band.

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