I Like Trains

<img src="http://www.qromag.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/iliketrainssep21.jpg" alt="I Like Trains : Live" />A modest crowd got together in the modest Bull and Gate in London's Kentish Town for an atmospheric display by I...
I Like Trains : Live
I Like Trains

A modest crowd assembled in the modest Bull and Gate in London’s Kentish Town on Wednesday, September 21st for an atmospheric display by I Like Trains.  Since their assembly in 2004, the Leeds-based band have always been able to stir up emotion having perfected a rich brooding sound that carries through all their songs.  Last year saw the release of He Who Saw the Deep, an album full of understated beauty and this beauty was displayed today.  The location of the gig disappeared as we were transported to the dreamy world the band create, even the pirate bunting that adorned the room melted away as the music carried everyone away. 

New songs "Sea of Regrets" and "A Father’s Son" sat well next to old favourites like "Terra Nova" almost forming one narrative of loss, heartbreak and hope.  The downside of I Like Trains having honed their music so successfully is that it can begin to sound repetitive.  Around 45 minutes into the music, some audience members became fidgety, and even singer David Martin commented on people talking between songs.  But this was all taken in good humour and, despite restlessness, the audience was receptive, silent during songs and then breaking into hearty applause and cheers. 

Although the gig probably went on a bit longer than it should have, it was largely well received.  And despite being in such a small venue, this added to the other worldliness of the I Like Trains experience.

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