Various artists live @ Truck Festival in Steventon, U.K. on 7/20-21/12
Photos by Jayne Yong
65daysofstatic Steventon, U.K.
Black Hats Steventon, U.K.
British Sea Power Steventon, U.K.
Clock Opera Steventon, U.K.
Co-Pilgrim Steventon, U.K.
Dead Jerichos Steventon, U.K.
Delta Alaska Steventon, U.K.
Dog Is Dead Steventon, U.K.
Emmy the Great Steventon, U.K.
Federation of the Disco Pimp Steventon, U.K.
Festival Sights Steventon, U.K.
Flight of Helios Steventon, U.K.
Future of the Left Steventon, U.K.
John J Presley Steventon, U.K.
Johnny Foreigner Steventon, U.K.
Kill It Kid Steventon, U.K.
Kill Murray Steventon, U.K.
Michelle Stodart Steventon, U.K.
My First Tooth Steventon, U.K.
Mystery Jets Steventon, U.K.
Spring Offensive Steventon, U.K.
The Low Anthem Steventon, U.K.
The Temper Trap Steventon, U.K.
Three Trapped Tigers Steventon, U.K.
Tim Minchin Steventon, U.K.
Vadoinmessico Steventon, U.K.
Yellow Fever Steventon, U.K.
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