Various Artists live @ Music Fest NW, Portland, OR on 9/8-12/10
Photos by Autumn Andel, Shawn Beckman and Clint Ganczak
A.A. Bondy Mississippi Studios
Akron/Family Crystal Ballroom
Bobby Bare Jr. Crystal Ballroom
Dan Mangan Crystal Ballroom
David Bazan Doug Fir Lounge
Deelay Ceelay Roseland Theater
Festival Sights Portland, OR
Helio Sequence Portland, OR
Laura Viers Pioneer Courthouse Square
Male Bonding Wonder Ballroom
Mark Olson Mississippi Studios
Mimicking Birds Doug Fir Lounge
Mogwai's 'Burning' Bagdad Theater
Mynabirds Mississippi Studios
Okkervil River Crystal Ballroom
Panda Bear Crystal Ballroom
Past Lives Crystal Ballroom
Phantogram Wonder Ballroom
Ra Ra Riot Wonder Ballroom
Richmond Fontaine Berbati's Pan
Rocky Votolato Doug Fir Lounge
Surfer Blood Wonder Ballroom
Talkdemonic Pioneer Courthouse Square
Ted Leo & The Pharmacists Crystal Ballroom
The Builders and Butchers Berbati's Pan
The Decemberists Pioneer Courthouse Square
The National Pioneer Courthouse Square
The Thermals Crystal Ballroom
The Walkmen Pioneer Courthouse Square
Titus Andronicus Backspace
Tu Fawning Crystal Ballroom
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